School Uniform

School Uniform

The school uniform is compulsory to year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 students.

We believe that our uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the positive ethos of our academy, setting an appropriate tone.

  • It enables students to wear clothes appropriate for working in safe and aspiring environment.
  • It clearly signals our high expectation of students and our strong work ethic, instilling pride in the school.
  • It protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way, nurturing cohesion and promoting good relations between different groups of students.
  • It helps students to prepare for their futures in the world of work, where dress codes are usually expected.

Staff will make the final judgement regarding suitability of uniform in any other cases. Final decisions rest with the year heads and senior members of staff.

If there is anything you are unsure of, then please consult the uniform on the website or contact your daughter/son’s Year Head. Failure to comply with the Uniform Policy will put your child at risk from isolation. We don’t want to spend precious staff resources chasing up non conformity of uniform when we can spend time discovering ways we can support learning and pastoral issues.

The Laureates | Year 7 & 8

Year 7 students are expected to wear the following school uniform:

  • Trousers – must be mid grey in colour (definitely not charcoal grey or black) and formal style.
  • Skirts – must be mid grey in colour (definitely not charcoal grey or black) and pleated, formal style. No skater skirts.
  • Shirts – must be formal shirts with a collar and top button must be done up at all times.
  • Ties – must be worn at all times.
  • Shoes/ Trainers – must be completely black, with no colours or logos. Laces must be plain black.
  • Socks / tights – must be plain black, grey or white. Knee socks are permitted with skirts but should definitely not come higher than just below the knee.
  • Laureates Logo purple jumper.
  • Jewellery and makeup is not allowed, a watch and a pair of stud earrings are acceptable.  Inappropriate jewellery will be confiscated until the end of the day.

Unacceptable uniform items are; skinny fit jean style trousers (for boys or girls), skater skirts, patterned tights and large hair decorations. Hoodies and tracksuit tops are not permitted in the school building and will be confiscated until the end of the school day. If you are not dressed appropriately for school, you will be required to borrow the correct uniform or you may have to work in isolation. However, we are happy to work together to resolve any issues. Please contact the Laureates office with any uniform issues.

Key stage 3 school uniforms can be ordered directly from our supplier School Wear Solutions | Bosworth Academy

Key Stage 4 | Year 9, 10 & 11 Uniform

The school uniform is compulsory to year 9, 10 and 11 students.

We believe that our uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the positive ethos of our academy, setting an appropriate tone.

  • It enables students to wear clothes appropriate for working in safe and aspiring environment.
  • It clearly signals our high expectation of students and our strong work ethic, instilling pride in the school.
  • It protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way, nurturing cohesion and promoting good relations between different groups of students.
  • It helps students to prepare for their futures in the world of work, where dress codes are usually expected.
Blazer Grey blazer with green piping and Bosworth Academy badge. This item is purchased from our online supplier School Wear Solutions | Bosworth Academy
Jumper Grey jumper with V neck and Bosworth Academy badge. This item is purchased from our online supplier School Wear Solutions | Bosworth Academy
Tie Bosworth Academy tie. We encourage our KS4 students to have a proper tie rather than a clip on tie. This can be purchased from our online supplier School Wear Solutions | Bosworth Academy as well .
Trousers Grey tailored trousers. Can be purchased from a variety of outlets such as Sainsbury’s Tu, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and ASDA George.
Skirt Grey knee length skirt. Can be purchased from a variety of outlets such as Sainsbury’s Tu, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and ASDA George.
Shirt Plain white shirt (short or long sleeved), tucked into trousers or skirt with top button buttoned up to take a tie
Tights Black or flesh colour.
Shoes Plain black shoes.
Outdoor Coat Outdoor coats should be an addition to and not instead of the school blazer. Hoodies are not permitted.
Head Coverings Head coverings for religious reasons must be plain black or white only
Bags Bags must be suitable for carrying A4 books or folders.
Lanyards Lanyards must be worn at all times for safeguarding purposes.
Make up/Jewellery No excessive makeup or jewellery is to be worn. Acrylic nails are not permitted. Students are permitted to wear a watch and a pair of discreet, stud earrings. No facial piercings or ear stretchers are allowed (other than a small, single discreet nose stud). All jewellery must be removed for PE.. Hats/caps are not to be worn on site.
Hair No excessive colouring of hair is permitted. Hair should be of a natural colour. The school reserves the right to decide on the suitability of any colouring.

Staff will make the final judgement regarding the suitability of uniform. Final decisions rest with the year heads and senior members of staff.
If your child received Pupil Premium support then please find details here.


Equipment List
Pencil Case A clear one is recommended as this is what is only permitted in exams
Available for £1 from main reception.
Blue or Black Pens We recommend students bring at least 3 pens, in case they misplace one or it runs out. Available from main reception for 20p
Pencils We recommend students bring at least 3 pencils, in case they misplace one or it runs out. A pencil sharpener and rubber would also be useful. Pencils are available from main reception for 20p
Pink and Green Highlighter These are a vital piece of equipment in all subjects as they are used for feedback and reflections of work. These are available for 40p each from main reception.
Purple Pens These are a vital piece of equipment in all subjects as they are used to respond to feedback and improve the quality of work. They are available for 20p from reception.
Ruler This is a vital piece of equipment in all subjects. They are available for 20p from reception.
Calculators All students require a calculator. These are available for £8 from main reception.
Fully Charged iPad Students must bring a fully charged iPad to school each day.
Reading Book Students must have a reading book in their bag each day.


Sixth Form Dress Code Guidance

The guidance is not unduly restrictive but it is important that students appreciate that the Sixth Form at Bosworth Academy is a serious work environment and that they are in a school with much younger pupils present.

  • Students should be clean and well presented (no ripped jeans)</li<>
  • Shorts may be worn but must be mid-thigh length or longer
  • Cleavage should not be visible
  • Baggy jogging bottoms are not permitted
  • No extreme hairstyles or colours
  • Underwear should not be visible
  • Garments with offensive slogans should not be worn
  • Sandals may be worn (not flip flops) – restrictions apply in some curriculum areas
  • Tops which are low cut and/or revealing, including midriffs, should not be worn
  • Skirts should be mid thigh length or longer
  • Hats, caps and hoods should not be worn inside the building
  • Clear studs must be worn in facial piercings

Physical Education

Students are expected to wear the following PE kit which can also be ordered from our supplier School Wear Solutions | Bosworth Academy

We also have expectations with regards to the PE kit at Bosworth Academy. Kit is available from our supplier or a cheaper alternative to keep costs down. All students will need football boots for use on our 3G pitch and sports dome. The need for boots is to ensure the surface quality. Football boots should have studs on the bottom but not blades as they can damage the surface and result in potential injury to the wearer.

In the winter months, students may bring a waterproof coat to wear that is suitable for lessons – school coats are not permitted in lessons. Also, a suitable hat and gloves could be worn to protect from cold.

PE kit expectation Consequences for not following the policy
Bosworth Academy logo polo shirt
Or plain black t-shirt/polo with no logo
  1. Students will borrow spare kit which is washed after use

  3. Students receive a behaviour incident log

  5. Two occasions borrowing kit results in a break time detention
Bosworth Academy logo hoodie
Or plain black hoodie with no logo
Plain black shorts/joggers/leggings
Cycling shorts must be mid-thigh length
No tights are to be worn under shorts.
Footwear requirements for the facility that the lesson is in:

  • Sports Hall/ Gym/ Courts – trainers
  • 3G/Dome – studded football boots (not blades)
  • Field – football boots or trainers
  1. Students will borrow spare boots
  2. Students receive a behaviour incident log
  3. Two occasions borrowing kit results in a break time detention

Specialist PE Footwear [link]
The reason for requiring specialist footwear is due to having a large sum of money invested in our PE facilities and the incorrect footwear can lead to early wear and tear. ‘Normal’ trainers flatten the surface and reduce the lifespan and ‘bladed football boots’ give players too much grip on the rubber crumb surface which can lead to ripping the carpet or serious injury to the player wearing the boot. The footwear will be required at lunch and break should students be wishing to access the Dome or 3G pitch. These boots can be picked up for £10 from Sports Direct so please do not feel pressure to buy the latest, most expensive boots.



Security of valuables:
Students are very strongly advised NOT TO bring valuable items to school on days when they have PE as we do not have facilities for safe storage.

Whilst every effort is made by the PE staff to maintain tight security, the PE department cannot guarantee this at all times and therefore cannot be liable for the loss of any valuables e.g. mobile telephones, wallets etc.

PE kit policy:
Students are required to wear appropriate PE kit as explained above.

It is the policy of Bosworth Academy that students should bring their PE kit to all PE lessons, regardless of whether they are physically taking part or not.

The reasons for this are that the programme of study for Physical Education requires students to take up different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Students should also be able to evaluate and offer suggestions for improvements in other performers

If there is a prolonged illness or injury, then students must provide a medical note. If students fail to bring a kit, they will be provided with a clean spare kit.

Thank you for your support and understanding with this.


First Occasion The student will be required to change or wear an item of school uniform. Parents will be informed if they need to return home. We will contact parents to explain that they were unsuitably dressed for school and enclose a copy of our dress code.
Second Occasion As above but the email/letter will inform parents that repetition may lead to fixed term exclusion.
Third Occasion As above and the student will receive a fixed term exclusion.