Bosworth remembers the Holocaust

Holocaust Memorial Day is a time when we remember when six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime. We also remember the millions of other lives taken in other acts of genocide. The theme this year was, ‘The power of words’, exploring how words can make a difference – both for good and evil. Specialist assemblies were delivered to all year groups, and this was followed up in Religious Studies lessons with Year 8.

Students in Year 8 explored the story of Renie Inow, a survivor of the Holocaust. They discussed how she escaped, felt about the loss of her family, and how she is now reaching future generations. The students all wrote a personal message to Renie on postcards. The atmosphere in the lessons was emotional, as nearly all the students wrote touching messages, thereby using their words for good. The postcards have been sent to Renie and we are hopeful of a response.